Sofia Viera

Prior to joining Teks Capital on September 2022, Sofia worked 4 years (Jan2019-May2022) in IOV Labs SA, an uruguayan technology company. She was appointed as Sr. Controlling Analyst and her tasks included modeling and preparing financial reports, planning and executing budgeting process, monitoring company costs and presenting budget forecasts and collaborating with the CFO to produce accurate and timely financial reports. From March 2017 to January 2019 she worked as Accounting Analyst at Union General Armenia de Beneficiencia (non-profit) providing general administration tasks and general accounting. She has vast experience in developing metrics, dashboards and collaborating with diferent management members to develop accurate budget and forecasting figures. Sofia has a bachelor degree in accounting (2019) from UDELAR - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Montevideo, Uruguay and holds the title of Chartered Controller Analyst (issued by the Global Chartered Controller Institute based in Madrid, Spain)

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