Internal Review

September 2022 – Teks Alpha NAV Systema Fund

Market Overview

September was again a negative and a highly volatile month for both traditional and digital assets. BTC returned -3.16%, its sixth negative September (in line with its negative seasonality), and ETH was down -14.5%. The BTC price had intra-month variations of +/-7% more than twice. In the case of traditional assets September was the worst month in two decades for the S&P. Amid continued economic uncertainty and macro risks, both the S&P and the Nasdaq ended in negative territory for the third quarter in a row, something that did not happen since 2008. The current problems now include the Bank of England buying 65b pounds of securities, rumors of Italy in trouble as since January the spread of the Italian 10 year bond over the German Bund has doubled to 2.4% which might bring in the ECB to purchase bonds, also gossip about a major global bank with certain liquidity problems, plus the apparent sabotage to the Nord Stream pipelines. The S&P ended -8.71% for the month and the Nasdaq -10.7%. US Bonds (safe haven) and Gold were both down, -6.75% and -3.13%, respectively. As we had expressed in our prior newsletter, September is historically the worst month for BTC and now we can extend the concept to every “risky” asset.


During September, the Fund was almost flat returning -0.5%. Our short vegas were able to capture good premiums, but the long deltas in our portfolio affected the overall USD return, especially our long ETH structured position. We believe in the upside potential of ETH, thus, through our Enhanced Digital products (developed for both BTC and ETH and part of Teks Alpha), we had an ETH profit of 12% and reduced the ETH/USD loss to -4.2% (versus the -14.5% ETH return). With our BTC long delta structured product, we were able to increase the BTC position by 2.76% minimizing the BTC/USD loss to -1.75% (compared to BTC -3.1%). Our pure quant strategy, Teks Trend, keeps generating a monthly Sharpe above 2.5 so we are steadily incrementing the size of the investment. Looking forward, we are still expecting volatile months ahead. Even if October is traditionally a positive month (posting gains in the past 7 years out of 9), given the above mentioned macro issues news we are going to be extra cautious in adding long exposure on top of our current positions. Finally, from a technical point of view, we are seeing large volumes in the open interest downside risk hedges on risk assets, which is another evidence of a negative market sentiment (however, it is worth pointing out that is a contrarian indicator).

Teks Alpha Performance (%)

2021 1.36 0.79 0.77 0.80 1.51 1.61 1.15 2.56 1.70 12.9
2022 -0.65 1.22 1.22 -0.10 -1.85 -5.7 2.35 -1.61 -0.5 -5.7
Performance is net of fees. Trading started on March 12, 2021. April to June preliminary results. The official NAV is calculated by the Administrator every Quarter. The next official NAV will be based on June 2022.

Teks Alpha Performance vs Benchmarks since inception (March 2021)

Effective 6.31% -67.74% 4.19%
Annualized 4.06% -44.26% -3.15%
STD Dev 6.54% 68.85% 17.90%
Shape Ratio 0.24 -0.68 -0.32
Benchmarks: BTC price index is conformed by the Bitstamp price of BTC at 18 CEST.

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The information, analysis, and opinions expressed herein are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or entity. This material is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation to purchase any cryptocurrency, security or to invest in Teks Capital or in Systema Fund PCC. Forecasting represents predictions of market prices and/or volume patterns utilizing varying analytical data. It is not representative of a projection of any market, or of any specific investment. Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested all principal. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any type of portfolio, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns. Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.