Alejandro Banzas

Alejandro has more than 15 years of work experience in Technology Innovation. He is a Computer Science Engineer and Analyst (UADE, Argentina) and a Global Executive MBA at IESE Business School (Spain). Mr. Banzas is also a Lecturer at the University of Gibraltar, teaching a class he has developed regarding Blockchain technologies. He is Head of Technology at Teks Capital and is actively involved in DeFi and other innovation projects. Former Head of Developer Relations @ RSK Labs where he worked for 3 years ending his tenure as part of the leadership team. Prior to working at IOV Labs, Mr. Banzas spent 6 years at Microsoft were he was promoted from Technical Evangelist to a Senior role in the same team. At Microsoft, Mr. Banzas was a member of the innovation and new technologies team . Also, Alejandro is an Advisor in technological projects with social impact.

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